
July 24, 2023

International Self Care Day

A time to reflect on what self-care involves

International Self Care Day

The 24th of July is a date which reminds us that we should take care of our physical and mental body not only today but 24 hours 7 days a week.

It can be difficult to find a bit of time for ourselves, especially these days when we live in a fast-paced world. This day is a reminder of the general kindness that we should talk to each other, treat our minds and bodies with.

It doesn’t mean that we have to constantly pay for spa procedures or take days off work. It can just mean that we stop and think about what makes us happy, what we appreciate about ourselves and cherish our bodies which are so vital to carry us around and process unhealthy food and drinks which we all devour every now and then.

International Self Care Day can be an opportunity to show ourselves some gratitude for what we’ve achieved, who we made happy and what we love about our bodies.

Your day can start with a simple question – When do I feel happy/my authentic self? Is it when I’m around my friends, family and loved ones? Or is it when I take some time for myself?

We are all individuals, so different things will make us happy. The list of recommendations on how to celebrate this special day could be endless. But we all have one thing in common – and that’s our bodies. 

When we talk to our customers with skin issues, we always mention that the healing doesn’t have to happen only externally by using the right skincare. The big part of healing happens from the inside. 

There are so many ways to take care of our bodies. One of the most powerful ones are:

Healthy Sleep:

We strongly recommend listening to a podcast with a sleep specialist Kathryn Pinkham. She talks about sleep routines, which help with a good night's sleep. This podcast is also quite comforting for people who struggle with insomnia or have a newborn baby. We don’t have to be worried when we don't constantly have a great sleep but it’s good to know how to overcome it and get back into a healthy routine.


Regular movement does not only help us with managing our weight but it is shown to be a very effective mood and energy booster. Exercise kicks up endorphins which are known as hormones of happiness. That’s why regular movement helps with anxiety and depression problems. The research also shows that exercise creates new brain cells. This is a great addition to a more positive mood booster. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, give yourself a few minutes per day to move your body and see what it will do to your psyche.


Nourishing food and good quality ingredients are an absolute key to a healthy body. Remember that even if your ethical principles are strict, the most important thing is diversity. Try to bring as many different nutrients on your plate as you can, get creative with your dishes and don’t feel guilty if you treat yourself to some naughty snack every now and then. We are what we eat, if you keep it in mind, it will help you to decide what you’re going to snack on next time.

Practising positive affirmations and gratitude:

This is a simple but very powerful tool for giving yourself a bit of self-love. You can choose your own way on how to appreciate yourself. Write it down, have your mantras or just simply close your eyes and think about what you are grateful for. It’s a brilliant and easy way to start or finish your day.

Cold swim or shower:

As well as exercise, cold water boosts endorphins, the happiness hormones but also increases dopamine level. That creates feelings of pleasure and reward. Regular exposure to cold water also has positive effects on our immune system and general health. If you would like to know more info about the benefits on your metabolism of cold water swimming, you can listen to this podcast

Skincare routine:

Gift yourself a good quality skincare product and set up a little ritual. Taking care of your body is a physical admiration which makes you feel self-loved. Whether you like a massage, facial routine or a good bath, we offer 15% off today for our skincare items so you can give yourself a little present and enjoy a few “me” moments and remind yourself that you’re unique, special and absolutely worth some care and pampering. 

You can choose from a seaweed skincare here: